Simplifying Organic Chemistry

Orgosolver provides study tools to help students with their organic chemistry homework and preparation for quizzes, exams, or even the MCAT. Our tools, quizzes, and study guides are designed to help students test every reaction or mechanism with any molecule they draw!
Need help studying for your next exam?
Check out our study guides and our dynamic reaction quizzes!
Who we are.
Two former organic chemistry students from the University of Maryland.
While taking Organic Chemistry back in 2009, we often discussed the lack of readily available resources on the web for this course. With the challenges presented by 2020 and the pandemic, we found ourselves again thinking about the ideas that we had discussed in our undergraduate days. Putting our professional skills together, we developed OrgoSolver; the first dynamic Organic Chemistry reaction solver.
Stockton University
"It helped me with the mechanisms I needed. It allowed me to visualize what reactions I was working with!"
San Francisco State University
"The reaction solver is a great help for both learning reactions and solving retrosynthesis problems."
UC Berkeley
"Orgosolver helped me when nothing else could!"
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